I chose this home remedy because this is one that is often used in my house and has been for years. When you are sick you don’t exactly want to get up and go to the store but if you have these simple ingredients on hand always you will never have to worry about that. And It has always helped me through a cold. Not only does it contain only four ingredients but it takes less than 2 minutes to make and you will start feeling better in no time.
Each ingredient aids in helping your immune system fight off a cold. The only reason people get sick is because they are not eating the proper foods that help fight off viruses and bad bacteria from growing and spreading throughout the body. A diet in fruits and vegetables helps your body fight off free radicals in your body because they are rich in vitamins minerals and nutrients that your body needs. So, if you are one to get sick often maybe you should start consuming more fruits and veggies.
Through this process, I have learned that everyone’s remedy is its own. Maybe you like more honey than ginger or like your tea hot rather than lukewarm. Maybe you like lime rather than lemon. It’s all how you prefer it. And that these remedies have been passed down from decade to decade. Remedies can change depending on research and learning more about what it is you are consuming. I have learned to make it your own, don’t forget to do research and consult a doctor if problems persist.
Check out my video below!